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Pin the menu to the top of the screen in Impact in 3 simple steps by Web Master - Use the Sticky Menu or Anything plugin to stick the menu to the top of the screen in Impact (or any theme). 1. Install the plugin ‘Sticky Menu or Anything’ 2. In the settings, enter the element id of the containing the menu in the section labeled ‘Sticky Element’. In this case #containermasthead 3. In
How to find the WordPress category ID in your WordPress dashboard by Web Master - http://www.mhthemes.com/support/how-to-find-wordpress-category-id/ Web MasterPosts by Web Master
Create your own Demo Site! by Gopesi L. Elufejotina - https://demo.shooflysolutions.com/ Gopesi L. ElufejotinaPosts by Gopesi L. Elufejotina
Making the thumbnail grid responsive – a simple example. by Web Master - To make the thumbnail grid resize with the page, you will need to override the existing styles. You should not set the height and width in the short code. Instead,  you should use custom css to override the current styles. I overrode the styles for this post specifically by creating a div with a class

Gopesi L. Elufejotina